Install BTS

Preparing the installation

Extract the BTS program package you received into the directory of your choice. It should contain the following files:

- Installer (.exe file)

- Readme (.txt file)

- Manual (.pdf file)

- Keyman Keyboard (aaew.kmx)

- BBAW Libertine Font (BBAWLibertine_ah.ttf)

NOTE: We recommend to create and use the "standard" directory on "C" drive: "c:\bts".

Installing BTS

Double-click "bts.exe". The "BTS Installation Wizard" will start. Fill out the required fields in the following windows:

  1. Database Installation Settings
    • Database Installation Directory: A standard location is automatically entered here referring to: "C:\bts\dbdir". In case you have extracted your bts program package, change the path to "your directory\bts\dbdir".
    • Http Port of your CouchDB on Localhost: The default port number is 9089.
  2. Welcome to the Berlin Text System Installation
    • Do you have a BTS Server URL?: Click "Yes" if you want your data to be shared and synchronized with the BTS server. Click "No" if you don't have access to the BTS server and are going to work in the "standalone" mode. The button "Next" will be activated only if you select one of the options.

      NOTE: The software is not yet optimized for working without BTS Server URL. Please always select "Yes" here.

  3. Server Connection
    • Server URL: Enter the URL of the server that you have access to. Standard BTS Server address (including the port number) is:
    • Your User Name: Enter the user name you received from BTS team.
    • Your Password for Authentication: Enter your password.

      After entering the information required, click "Connect to server". In the upper part of the window the status information will appear "The connection you have entered is OK". Note that the button "Finish" is only activated if the connection was successful.

  4. Select Projects to Load
    • Select your main working project: The default option is "Altägyptisches Wörterbuch BBAW". Another option is "Demotic".
    • Further projects from which you want to load and read data: Select a project from "Available Projects" (left text box) and click "Add" to add a project. The project should then appear in the right text box.
  5. Finish Installation of BTS

    Click "Finish" to finalize the installation. After the installation the program will automatically start and the "Database Manager" window will open. If Windows-Firewall (or any other Firewall) asks you to grant "bts.exe" access to the system, confirm it.

    NOTE: Although the "Database Manager" window automatically opens after the installation is finished, BTS is still importing the data from the server. This process will take another 20 minutes and is not visible to the user. Close the "Database manager" window and reopen it in approximately 20 minutes. As soon as the "aaew_wlist" displays the number 48500 in "DB Doc Count" column, the process is completed.

    NOTE: Sometimes the automatic log-in does not work after the installation and restart. As the result "No user logged in" and "No role" will be initially displayed in the BTS toolbar. In this case, start the program again and log in with your user name and password.

  6. Index data

    Last but not least. All data imported from the server, should be indexed. Indexing speeds up the search, as the query is not done in the database (which would take time), but in the document indexes.

    In the upper left corner of the "Database manager" window click on "Re-index all" . The indexing process will start and may take up to 20 minutes. If indexing has been completed correctly, the corpus color will change from red to green. The databases which are currently being indexed are marked yellow. If indexing was not successful for some corpora try re-indexing them by clicking on the button "Re-index all non-OK".