Installing and configuring the keyboard

Proceed with the following steps:

  1. Install Tavultesoft Keyman Desktop

    Keyman Desktop is a free software which manages the keyboard. To download it go to, scroll down to "Download Keyman Desktop 9.0 without any keyboards" and click "Download now". Follow the instructions on the screen for the correct Installation of the program.

  2. Install "BBAW Libertine" Font

    BTS works with "BBAW Libertine" font which has to be installed into your system (if you haven't done this before). For this, right-click the "BBAWLibertine_ah.ttf" you received with the program package and select "install". Check if the font has been installed in C:\Windows\Fonts.

  3. Install the AAeW Keyboard

    Now the AAeW Keyboard can be installed in Keyman Desktop. This keyboard layout includes all necessary characters, including brackets, verse points and cartouches.

    In the task bar click "Tavultesoft Keyman Desktop" icon and select "Configuration". Click "Install keyboard..." and select file "aaew.kmx" available in your program package. Click "OK" to finish the installation.

    NOTE: The "Onscreen Keyboard" function is not available yet. See Keyboard layout section of this manual for the position of the characters.

  4. AAeW Keyboard characters

    (see "Keyboard layout" on the next page)

    The lower left characters are entered by simply pressing the key.

    The upper characters are entered by pressing Shift + Key.

    The lower right characters are entered by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Key. Ex.: "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "8" = "["

    Characters such as "ẖ" are generated by "deadkeys". You type them in by combining the elements "_" and "h" respectively. For example to type "ẖ" press the deadkey (always first) for "_" and then "h".

    NOTE: Keyboard only works for characters necessary in the egyptological transliteration, which for example uses "h with dot" (ḥ) but not "s with dot" (ṣ). This means that the deadkey "dot below the character" only works with "h", "k", "t" and "č" but not with "s" (for ṣ) or with "d" (for ḍ).