Installation of BTS on Mac OS X

Preparation of CouchDB

Download Apache CouchDB 1.6.1 at 1.6.1/ Unpack it and move its contents to your /Applications/ folder.

Start Apache You might need to do so by holding the control key while clicking on it to authorize execution. Your browser should automatically open the application's local webinterface at

In order to have BTS operate on your local database, you need to register as an administrator. You can do this with your terminal. (If you wonder how to start a terminal session, please have a look at these instructions).

In your terminal, enter the following (with command + v you can paste it into the terminal if you copy it from here). Substitute <user> and <pass> placeholders with your username and password, respectively.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/admins/<user> -d '"<pass>"'

Preparation of BTS and initial execution

Please download the most recent version of BTS from

Create a directory for BTS, like /Users/<you>/Desktop/bts. This way, you will always find your BTS installation on you desktop. Create this directory by doing a right-click on your desktop, and selecting action New Folder from the context menu which is opens.

Now open your terminal window again. We now need you to enter previously created directory, unpack the downloaded BTS archive into it and make it executable. This will be achieved by the following commands.

cd ~/Desktop/bts
unzip ~/Downloads/
chmod +x

(You might as well unzip the contents of the downloaded .zip file into your respective BTS folder using the Stuffit Expander or in whichever way you like, but it is crucial that you make BTS runnable as an application, by executing the chmod command as above.)

You should now be able to start BTS by opening bts folder on your desktop and double-clicking If Mac OS complains that is from an unidentified developer and refuses to run it, press and hold control key and click on the item in Finder and choose Open from the context menu.

An installation dialog will show up and ask you for installation details. Directly below the Database Installation Directory field is a link, labeled Browse File System. Please click it to open a file browser window and select your bts installation directory (e.g. /home/<youname>/Desktop/bts). Change the suggested port number in the text field below to 5984 and click the next button. You will be asked whether you have access to our central database server. Select option Yes I have the URL and click next. Enter your user credentials and click the finish button.

BTS will now begin to populate a local copy of our central database. This might take some time. Please be patient during this operation. You can monitor the progress in your browser at (you will be prompted to enter you user credentials for authentication).