"How to"-Topics / Lemmaliste |
It may be necessary to enter new lemmata. Here you can see how.
To create a new lemma entry you need to open the BTS lemma view via in the toolbar.
Now, either click
"Add Lemma Root Entry" or (if your lemma belongs to an existing root)
"Add Lemma Child Entry".
Children can only be added to roots, so you have to select the right one first.
A new entry will be created. Its name will always be "Lemma Root" or "Lemma Subentry". Edit the name in the passport Editor in the lower centre of the User Interface in the bar "Name".
In the passport Editor you can also choose a part of speech in "Type" and a more accurate definition in "Subtype", select a "Visibility" and mention the review state via the grey dropdown menus.
The passport editor also provides other registers. You can see (and edit) your current lemma's "ID", mention "bibliography" (e.g. Wb) and comment on the word (in "lemma").