The Main tab contains general information about the lemma entry.
- Name: Choose or change the name of the lemma.
- Type and Subtype: Choose a type and subtype (e.g. substantive, adjective etc.).
- SortKey: Rearrange the items in the Lemma Navigator tree (the default order is
- ID: Display the ID of the lemma.
- Author: Display and edit the author of a lemma.
- Date: Display the date of creation of the lemma.
- Visibility: Define who can see the lemma (public, project, group, user).
- Review State: Enter or edit the Review state of the lemma (published, reviewed,
awaiting-update, awaiting-review, new etc.).
- Project: ove the lemma to another project.
- Corpus: See or edit the name of the corpus. Click
to move an
object/lemma between projects/databases.
- History: See all changes done in this database-object with User Name and Date.