The text
input fields and drop-down menus give you several options to enter technical information
of your thesaurus entry.
- Name: Enter or change the name of your entry.
- Type and Subtype: Choose a type and subtype (e.g. language, date,
script) from the Thesaurus.
- SortKey: Rearrange the entries in the Thesaurus Navigator tree (the
default order is alphabetical).
- ID: Displays the ID of the entry.
- Author: Displays the author of an entry.
- Date: Displays the date of the creation of the entry.
- Visibility: Change who can see the entry (public, project, group,
- Review State: Enter or edit the Review state of the object or text
(published, reviewed, awaiting-update, awaiting-review,
transformed_awaiting_update, new).
- Project: Move the thesaurus entry to another project.
- Corpus: Change the corpus you are working in. Both "Project and "Corpus"
can be edited by clicking the
- History: Displays the history of editing of the thesaurus entry.