How to manage database objects

How to create, move and delete database object.

Corpus navigator window can be found on the left side of the BTS user interface in the default view. It cosists of two tabs: "Corpora" and "Bin"; and a toolbar. See Corpus Navigator for a description of its elements.

Creating a new corpus

Your database contains all your corpora, objects and texts and every new one you create. To create new corpora click "New corpus" above the Corpus Navigator window. A window opens where you can enter a name and corpus ürefix. The prefix is the path through which your new corpus will be reached (e.g. aaew/tempelbib reaches the project "Altägyptisches Wörterbuch" (prefix "aaew") and the corpus "Tempelbibliotheken" with the prefix "tempelbib"). Ticking the box "Synchronize Corpus With Central Database" does not seem to have an effect yet. Clicking "OK" will add a new corpus to the list of corpora, appearing in alphabetical order.

Creating a new object

Click the corpus you wish to create the object in and click "addNewTCObject" a new object will be added as subentry of the corpus (note: currently the new objects and texts will be saved in your main working corpus and not in the selected corpus if they differ. The new objects will appear in the selected corpus though).

Creating a new text

To create a new text, you have to select a corpus and click "addNew Text" above the Corpus Navigator window.

Moving database objects

To move a database object (corpus, object, text) from one project to another, right click the object and select "Move among projects" in the appearing context menu. In the opened window current location is displayed. Alter the entries as you wish (upper field for new project and lower field for new collection in the project --> not yet tested because only one project exists).

Deleting database objects

To delete a database object, click it and then click "Delete". It will be moved to the bin ("Bin" tab in the Corpus Navigator window), where you have the opportunity to restore it (right click the object, context menu, "Restore") or to delete it permenantly.