This option is only available to the user with the administrator privileges for the
lemma-list. If you have a new lemma, which is not yet present in the BTS lemma list, please
send BTS team a proposal via email:
- To create a new lemma, open the lemma
view. On the left you will see the Lemma Navigator: a
list of available lemmata, grouped alphabetically.
- Select an appropriate group from the list, where your lemma should be placed. It will
expand, showing further groups. You can either use your mouse (left-click) or navigate
with arrows on your keyboard (up and down to navigate between groups, right and left to
expand or collapse them).
- Narrow the choice down even more by selecting a further, smaller group. A list of
lemmata will appear. You should check if the lemma you wish to enter really has not been
entered yet.
- Click on
the Lemma Navigator toolbar, in order to add a child entry for a lemma.
- In the Lemma
Editor add a transliteration for your lemma.
- In the text-input field below you may also add hieroglyphs. In order to do that, open
the Hieroglyph Type Writer
(HTW) and follow the instructions on how to enter hieroglyphs for a text.
- In the text-input field below, enter a translation for your lemma (choosing the language
of your translation beforehand).
- Add a bibliographical reference to a dictionary or an actual text as a reference in the